Alan Kaufman
Alan Kaufman – Inducted into the Michigan Chess Hall of Fame: 2018
Chess Experience and dedication to the Chess Community
- Alan started playing chess in 1956, learning at the age of 8.
- He taught chess in Southfield Schools such as his son’s elementary school in the 1980's, as well as played in citywide clubs where he met Master John Brooks.
- As he played chess from a young age into young adulthood, he thought about and became an advocate for chess in schools in the state of Michigan.
- In 2003, Alan joined ICC (Internet Chess Club) and met Martha Fierro and brought her to Michigan. He wanted to change the culture of chess in Southeast/West Michigan.
- He also started going to the Skillman Library and DIA to watch kids from Detroit City Chess Club. He was very impressed by their talents under the direction of Mr. Kevin Fite.
- Adding to Alan's many talents, he started the Michigan Fall Festival around 2011.
- He has also been very supportive of other chess clubs, tournaments, and anyone who he could help bring chess awareness to Michigan.
- He served as an MCA Board member in the past.
- In June of 2017 Mr. Kaufman donated over 500 Chess Books to the Skillman Library who dedicated a wing/section of the library just for chess books and related materials.
- n October of 2017 Alan arranged to bring GM Manual Leon Hoyos from Mexico (one of the greatest players ever from Mexico) to Michigan to attend tournaments, visit All The King’s Men, speak at schools, meet with MCA, as well as, Young Detroit Thinkers, Detroit City Chess Club and lastly, Raymond Lozano. Raymond Lozano is past Executive Director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Michigan, and currently serves as Executive Director of Mexican Town Community Development. Raymond thinks chess will supplement and materially improve education, particularly in Southwest Detroit. It was stated and quoted that Ray was convinced that the visit by GM Hoyos to Detroit, with focus on Southwest Detroit, would "kick-start" the role of chess in the community's cultural life.
- Even now, Alan Kaufman continues to show his dedication to the chess community by sharing his knowledge and love of chess with all he meets. It is such a joy to see!