Free listing(s) in the Michigan Chess Tournament Calendar will be granted to all tournaments which require MCA membership of Michigan residents, with exceptions as noted below. Free listing(s) are available up to one year in advance as space permits. Other listing(s) may be purchased as advertising space. This policy in no way restricts activities of the USCF clearinghouse(s) for Michigan.
- Tournaments in the following categories may be listed, even if they do not require MCA membership:
- Region V regional championship tournaments
- USCF national championship tournaments
- Rated scholastic tournaments
- Non-rated tournaments held in conjunction with rated tournaments which do require MCA membership.
- Reciprocal free listing arrangements with other associations are permitted.
- Tournaments held on the same date(s) as MCA open state championship tournaments, or on the same date(s) as previously scheduled tournaments not sponsored by MCA within a 75-mile radius of each other, will generally not be listed. One-day tournaments reduce the 75-mile radius to 25 miles.
- MCA retains the right to not list any tournament, free or paid, for just cause. If a paid advertisement is not published payment will be returned (or another arrangement as agreed to by both parties). Just cause may include, but is not limited to, organizers who change the duration or existence of a listed tournament without published notice.